Oral History Project, Waterford City & County, Ireland.

Childhood and School Days

School Boys, 1920s Miss O’Mahony, Yellow Road

School Boys, 1920s Miss O’Mahony, Yellow RoadWaterford City & County Council. No: AB902 Miss Walsh and Nurse, The Manor, Waterford 1920sWaterford City & County Council. No: AB110 The memories from our childhood can be powerful and events from this time can linger long – happy or unhappy as they may be. They can also provide […]


Mount Sion Brass BandWaterford City & County Council. No: AB383 Bealtaine Choir 2021Waterford City & County Council. Music is a great expression of creativity and individuality. Music can reflect local traditions through traditional Irish music sessions; pipe and brass band playing local songs. Music can also bring people of different traditions together to collaborate and […]

Waterford History

Archaeological Dig, City Square, Waterford

Lismore Castle Archaeological Dig, City Square, Waterford Waterford has a rich and diverse history that has fascinated and invited exploration and investigation over the years. The Viking heritage and archaeological digs of Waterford City; the rich architectural history of City and County and also the memories of hardship and survival in Workhouses all loom large […]

Family Life

Miss Walsh and Nurse, The Manor, Waterford 1920s

Mrs. Dalton, Mayor’s Walk, Waterford c.1920Waterford City & County Council. No: AB884 Mrs. Wall, Slieverue, Waterford c.1940Waterford City & County Council. No: AB256 At the centre of many lives in Waterford is the family. It is the story of where people have come from, where they have been taught their values and their skills and […]

Work in Waterford

Mrs O'Neill in her Shop, O'Connell Street, Dungarvan

Mrs O’Neill in her Shop, O’Connell Street, Dungarvan Waterford County Museum. No: UK4573 Threshing At Ballyhane, CappoquinWaterford County Museum. No: UK5599 Work in Waterford has at times been scarce and hard to find but there are many stories of the perseverance of people in Waterford to survive and thrive. There are so many jobs in […]

Waterford Fishing

Fishing on the River Blackwater

Fishing Boats Dunmore East Waterford City & County Council Fishing on the River Blackwater Waterford City & County Council As a coastal county with the great rivers Blackwater and Suir as well as many others, fishing played a huge role in the history and memories of people in Waterford. Sadly fisherman have given their lives […]

Waterford Weather

Snow in Mountains

Snow in Mountains Dunmore East The mainstay of any casual chat in Ireland is the state of the weather. We are a little obsessed with whether or not it may rain, snow or the sun might shine. Weather events linger long in the memory and none more so than snow. Among the memories here are […]

Waterford Libraries

Letter from Fergus Murphy, Waterford County Library, 1945

Letter from Fergus Murphy, Waterford County Library, 1945 Waterford City & County Council. Book Mark Waterford City Library 1910Waterford City & County Council. The Library Service in Waterford gave people in Waterford access to books and opportunities to develop literacy skills. The Library Service was, and remains, a cultural hub for people in Waterford. The […]


Minnie Marley, Singer/Songwriter 2021

Minnie Marley, Singer/Songwriter 2021DGM Photographic Lilac Times: Dungarvan Musical and Choral SocietyWaterford County Museum. No: UK5453 From Tops of the Town to sitting by the fire at home playing tunes to gathering together in community halls to have a dance or see a film these recordings explore how Waterford people set out to enjoy themselves […]

Waterford Politics

Election Posters 1966

Election Posters 1966Waterford County Museum. No: UK1803 Workers Party 1987Waterford County Museum. No: UK3947 Politics has been a topic of great animation and has provided much fodder for discussion and dispute among people in Waterford. In these recordings people share the political contributions made by themselves or family members and explore their memories of some […]