Oral History Project, Waterford City & County, Ireland.

Death and Funerary Practices

Funeral of Roger McGrath, Chief Fire Officer

Decorated Tombstone, Kilmeadan ChurchyardWaterford City & County Council. No: 1512 Funeral of Roger McGrath, Chief Fire OfficerWaterford County Museum. No: TT276 Ireland has a rich and comforting tradition around death. Communities come together to mourn and to support the bereaved. These rituals are an important part of the Irish grieving process. Death and funerals are […]

Emigration and Immigration to Waterford

Boat leaving Rosslare c.1932

Letter for Emigrant Agent, Quebec 1863 Boat leaving Rosslare c.1932Waterford County Museum. No: UK1337 Diverse Waterford is a project to record the voices of lots of voices and to explore the rich history of Waterford and its wider international connections and history. Waterford is located on the south east coast of Ireland and people have […]