Recordings directly commissioned by the Diverse Waterford project to tell the diverse stories of Waterford.
Interviewee | Interviewer | Subject Matter | Duration | Date of Recording |
Pauline O’Neill | Dr. Tomás MacConmara | Childhoood in Waterford City; life in 1930s, Second World War; taking care of people in need | 1 hour 34 mins 44 secs | November 2018 |
Tommy Morrissey | Dr. Tomás MacConmara | Customs and folk beliefs; River Blackwater; fishing; Villierstown; school and pastimes 1950s | 1 hour 2 mins 50 sec | December 2018 |
Rose Murphy and Jacqui de Paor, Waterford Childcare Committee | Dr. Tomás MacConmara | Establishment and evolution of the childcare committee and its work; philosophies and challenges of childcare; Irish language and its application in a childcare context | 1 hour 39 min 2 sec | December 2018 |
Barbara Strzalkowka | Jamie Furey | Experience of arriving in Ireland from Poland; education and work as an entrepreneur; role of community | 55 mins 10 sec | December 2018 |
John Thompson, Thompsons Funeral Directors | Jamie Furey | Waterford Crystal; working in Dublin; changes to the undertaking business | 1 hour 5 min 51 sec | December 2018 |
Michael Grant | Jamie Furey | Childhood in St. John’s Park, Waterford; Waterford theatre scene; “Tops of the Town” in Waterford. | 1 hour 2 min 9 sec | December 2018 |
Set up in association with Duncannon Village Renewal Group with interviews carried out by Adrian Roche of the History Trail. The project was set up to preserve the memories of people involved in commercial fishing in the south east; river fishing and the old traditions of cockle-picking in the Waterford area.
Interviewee | Interviewer |
Breda Murphy | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Brian Crummey, Dunmore East Co-op | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Dermot Bates | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Michael Fergusson | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Michael Fortune | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Michael Shalloe | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Patrick Roche | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Peter Power | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Seán Doherty, Cheekpoint | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
Thomas Whitty | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |
William Power | Adrian Roche, The History Trail |